ANMOL 1001 |
Plants height (95-100 cm) with more tillering
Long slender non-scented grains
Plants mature in 110-120 days
20% more yield than other local variety
Tolerant to BLB (Bacterial Leaf Blight), blast and false smut.
Good in taste |
ANMOL 1021 |
Plants are semi tall (95-100 cm) with more tillers
Number of grains is high per panicle
Good production in ussar soil
25% more yield than other local variety
Grains do not break while processing
Tolerant to BLB (Bacterial Leaf Blight) and false smut |
ANMOL 1011 |
Plants mature in 125-130 days
Grains are medium long slender
25% more yield than other local variety
Number of grains is high per panicle
Good taste and cooking quality
Tolerant to BLB (Bacterial Leaf Blight), stemborer and false smut |
Plants have hard stem with more tillers
Crops mature in 120-130 days
Short slender grains
Excellent cooking quality and good taste |